
Team Up

Join our Team Up classes, where fun and fitness go hand in hand! In these high-energy sessions, we bring people together to form teams and conquer exciting workout challenges. Prepare for a dynamic fusion of group exercises, team-based competitions, and collaborative workouts that will ignite your competitive spirit and foster a sense of unity. Our Team Up classes offer a unique blend of camaraderie and fitness. Join our supportive community, embrace the power of teamwork, and experience the thrill of reaching new heights in our energizing Team Up classes!

sabato, 10:00 - 10:55
Lezioni settimanali
BLG SPORTS CLUB / Heinrichstrasse 235, 8005 Zürich
Alessandra Giunta

Alessandra Giunta

Owner & Coach

Personal Trainer
Dipl. Fitnesstrainer (SAFS)
​Zert. Crossfit Level 1 Trainer Dipl. Ernährungstrainer (SAFS)
Dipl. Bootcamper Functional Trainer
Indoor Cycling Master Instructor Velocity Zürich

Abbonamenti & prezzi

Abbonamento Prezzo Periodo di validità Credito
10-Class Pass 300.00 CHF 6 Mesi 10
30-Class Pass 840.00 CHF 12 Mesi 30
5-Class Pass 155.00 CHF 6 Mesi 5
Single Class 32.00 CHF 3 Settimane 1