
Blues Experienced

This is the class for you, if you have attended Intro to Jookin’ and Ballroomin’ cycles, or you already have blues dance experience. In this class, we will focus on more challenging and playful moves and rythms, drilling down on specific blues idioms. Good knowledge of blues basic steps, rhytms, connection, stretch and compression is required. Are you up for the challenge?

mercredi, 20:50 - 21:50
Cours hebdomadaire
Backstage Studio, Hardstrasse 81, 8004 Zürich

Abonnements et prix

Abonnement Prix Durée de validité Crédit
10 x Studio Class 60 min (reduced) 170.00 CHF 17 Semaines 10
10 x Studio Class 60 min (regular) 200.00 CHF 17 Semaines 10
Drop in class (reduced) 20.00 CHF 4 Semaines 1
Drop in class (regular) 25.00 CHF 4 Semaines 1