
Open Gym & Play Time - Open 25.3

Dedicate one hour to play and work on your weaknesses. No matter if your goal is to master a technical skill, to improve your engine, or to get stronger.
This is not a group class but our coaches are here to give you some guidance and answer your questions.

vendredi, 14.03.2025 - 14.03.2025, 19:00 - 20:00
Cours hebdomadaire
14.03.2025 - 14.03.2025
Tina Kalkschmid

Tina Kalkschmid

Owner and founder and owner of Gold Coast Fitness. Crossfit L2 Coach, Women's Coaching Specialist, Nutrition Coach, and competitive athlete.

Abonnements et prix

Abonnement Prix Durée de validité Crédit
10 card Teens (ab 12 Jahre) 200.00 CHF 6 Mois 10
10 card - valid for all classes 300.00 CHF 6 Mois 10
2x/week 12 months 2 080.00 CHF 12 Mois Illimité
2x/week 12 months, monthly payment 2 208.00 CHF 12 Mois Illimité
2x/week 3 months 590.00 CHF 3 Mois Illimité
2x/week 6 months 1 100.00 CHF 6 Mois Illimité
3x/week 12 months 2 390.00 CHF 12 Mois Illimité
3x/week 12 months, monthly payment 2 520.00 CHF 12 Mois Illimité
3x/week 3 months 660.00 CHF 3 Mois Illimité
3x/week 6 months 1 250.00 CHF 6 Mois Illimité
Intro Package 320.00 CHF 4 Semaines Illimité
Single Drop-in 35.00 CHF 1 Semaines 1
Unlimited 12 months 2 550.00 CHF 12 Mois Illimité
Unlimited 12 months, monthly payment 2 688.00 CHF 12 Mois Illimité
Unlimited 3 months 710.00 CHF 3 Mois Illimité
Unlimited 6 months 1 335.00 CHF 6 Mois Illimité