
Open Gym & Play Time - Open 25.3

Dedicate one hour to play and work on your weaknesses. No matter if your goal is to master a technical skill, to improve your engine, or to get stronger.
This is not a group class but our coaches are here to give you some guidance and answer your questions.

venerdì, 14.03.2025 - 14.03.2025, 19:00 - 20:00
Lezioni settimanali
14.03.2025 - 14.03.2025
Tina Kalkschmid

Tina Kalkschmid

Owner and founder and owner of Gold Coast Fitness. Crossfit L2 Coach, Women's Coaching Specialist, Nutrition Coach, and competitive athlete.

Abbonamenti & prezzi

Abbonamento Prezzo Periodo di validità Credito
10 card Teens (ab 12 Jahre) 200.00 CHF 6 Mesi 10
10 card - valid for all classes 300.00 CHF 6 Mesi 10
2x/week 12 months 2.080.00 CHF 12 Mesi Illimitato
2x/week 12 months, monthly payment 2.208.00 CHF 12 Mesi Illimitato
2x/week 3 months 590.00 CHF 3 Mesi Illimitato
2x/week 6 months 1.100.00 CHF 6 Mesi Illimitato
3x/week 12 months 2.390.00 CHF 12 Mesi Illimitato
3x/week 12 months, monthly payment 2.520.00 CHF 12 Mesi Illimitato
3x/week 3 months 660.00 CHF 3 Mesi Illimitato
3x/week 6 months 1.250.00 CHF 6 Mesi Illimitato
Intro Package 320.00 CHF 4 Settimane Illimitato
Single Drop-in 35.00 CHF 1 Settimane 1
Unlimited 12 months 2.550.00 CHF 12 Mesi Illimitato
Unlimited 12 months, monthly payment 2.688.00 CHF 12 Mesi Illimitato
Unlimited 3 months 710.00 CHF 3 Mesi Illimitato
Unlimited 6 months 1.335.00 CHF 6 Mesi Illimitato