Anina Hug
Cover Instructor |
Barbara Szazi
Instructor |
Deniz Ural Subasi, de/en/tr
Comprehensive Teacher Training (Studio/Mat) / BASI®, Body Arts and Science International®) Sie unterrichtet in Deutsch, Englisch und Türkisch. Geräte- und Mattetraining.
Donna Leuenberger, en
Zertifizierte BASI® Pilates- Mattentrainerin und ausgebildete Studiotrainerin
Sabrina Kascha
Sabrina worked in consulting which caused several health issues due to a lack of movement and stress.
Due to the amazing effects on her overall fitness and wellbeing, Sabrina decided to become a certified BASI® Pilates studio and mat instructor. She offers a holistic view on Pilates training and wellbeing and is excited to work with clients of all fitness levels. Especially clients suffering from obesity, lower and upper back problems and workplace related issues can profit from her experience. Education:
Weiterbildungen/Advanced Education:
Sessel Spinefitter für Geräte- und Mattentraining
Sima Bürgin, de/en/fr
Dipl. Tanzpädagogin ZFH | Zertifizierte BASI® Pilates Studio- und Mattentrainerin.
Sie unterrichtet in ihrem eigenen Studio Body Line Pilates in Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch.
Zuzanna Bomersbach
Instuctor |