fitmitjodit GmbH

Vo nüt chunt nüt aber gemeinsam ist es doch einfacher


Group Fitness

Pass Price Period of validity Credit Action
Group Fitness 3 Monats Abo limitiert CHF270.00 3 Months Unlimited To schedule
Group Fitness 3 Monats Abo unlimitiert CHF375.00 3 Months Unlimited To schedule
Group Fitness Jahres Abo limitiert CHF840.00 31.12.2025 Unlimited To schedule
Group Fitness Jahres Abo unlimitiert CHF1,350.00 31.12.2025 Unlimited To schedule
Group Fitness Saison Abo limitiert CHF400.00 31.12.2025 Unlimited To schedule
Group Fitness Saison Abo limitiert CHF520.00 31.07.2025 Unlimited To schedule
Group Fitness Saison Abo unlimitiert CHF600.00 31.12.2025 Unlimited To schedule
Group Fitness Saison Abo unlimitiert CHF825.00 31.07.2025 Unlimited To schedule
Problektion Group Fitness CHF30.00 1 Days 1 To schedule

Outdoor Training

Pass Price Period of validity Credit Action
Einzeleintritt Bootcamp sonntags CHF20.00 1 Days 1 To schedule
Group Fitness 3 Monats Abo unlimitiert CHF375.00 3 Months Unlimited To schedule
Group Fitness Jahres Abo unlimitiert CHF1,350.00 31.12.2025 Unlimited To schedule
Group Fitness Saison Abo unlimitiert CHF600.00 31.12.2025 Unlimited To schedule
Group Fitness Saison Abo unlimitiert CHF825.00 31.07.2025 Unlimited To schedule
Outdoor Training 10er Abo CHF200.00 3 Months 10 To schedule
StreetFit 10er Abo CHF200.00 3 Months 10 To schedule

Personal Training

Pass Price Period of validity Credit Action
Personal Training L CHF4,400.00 12 Months 40 To appointments
Personal Training M CHF2,300.00 6 Months 20 To appointments
Personal Training Probe Session CHF140.00 1 Days 1 To appointments
Personal Training S CHF1,200.00 3 Months 10 To appointments
Personal Training XS (Schnupper Abo) CHF625.00 2 Months 5 To appointments
Schmerzcoaching Einzelsession CHF150.00 1 Days 1 To appointments


Pass Price Period of validity Credit Action
Workshop CHF270.00 8 weeks 8 Buy pass